Indonesian FM visits Rohingya refugee camp

Malaysia Sun (ANI), Dhaka :
Visiting Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi along with his Bangladeshi counterpart A. H. Mahmood Ali on Tuesday visited the Rohingyas living in Kutupalong refugee camp in Ukhiya.
The duo visited several blocks in the camp and talked to some of the Rohingyas, who fled the
violence in Rakhine state of Myanmar that has killed at least 86 people and displaced 30,000 others in recent weeks, reports the Dhaka Tribune.
Marsudi was briefed by Myanmar’s State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi on the situation in the troubled Rakhine state.
Suu Kyi has been widely criticised for her silence on the Rohingya issue – the most serious violence in her country since the 2012 communal clashes.
However, the Myanmar military has denied allegations by Rohingyas and rights groups that their soldiers have raped women, torched houses and killed civilians in a crackdown which has followed the deadly militant attacks on border guard posts in early October.
The refugee camp visit on Tuesday was also attended by State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam, Foreign Affairs Secretary Shahidul Haque and representatives from international organisations.
A meeting is scheduled to be held between the two Foreign Ministers after the camp visit, while Marsudi will also meet with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday evening.
Last month, hundreds of Indonesians took to the streets in Jakarta and other cities to protest against reported rights abuses against Rohingya Muslims during a military crackdown in Myanmar.
The protesters called for the Myanmar military’s leaders and all parties accused of violations against Rohingya to be brought before international courts in The Hague.