Indonesia suspends military cooperation with Australia

An Indonesian special forces unit reportedly trains in Perth.
An Indonesian special forces unit reportedly trains in Perth.
BBC Online :
Indonesia has suspended all military co-operation with Australia, saying “a lot of things needed to be improved”.
Army spokesman Maj Gen Wuryanto said the halt came into force in December and a broad range of activities were affected, including joint training.
Australian Defence officials confirmed Indonesia had halted all defence co-operation over “teaching materials”.
Bilateral relations have been tense at times in recent years, although there were recent signs of improvement.
“All forms of co-operation with the Australian military, including joint training, have been temporarily withheld. I hope it can be resolved as soon as possible,” Maj Gen Wuryanto said.
Australia’s Defence Minister Marise Payne said later in a statement: “Late last year concerns were raised by an Indonesian TNI (Indonesian National Armed Forces) officer about some teaching materials and remarks at an Army language training facility in Australia.”
“The Australian Army has looked into the serious concerns that were raised and the investigation into the incident is being finalised.”
Indonesian special forces group Kopassus trains with the Special Air Service in Perth, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corp (ABC).
An Indonesian newspaper, Kompas, reported that a Kopassus instructor had found “laminated material” at the training facility which he considered to be offensive to the Indonesia’s founding principle of Pancasila.
When asked about this, Maj Gen Wuryanto said there were many reasons for the suspension, without giving further details.
The countries’ navies had been expected to take part in multinational training exercises next month.
“Whether or not we will continue with the joint exercise, I will have to get back to you on that,” First Admiral Jonias Mozes Sipasulta, from the Indonesian navy, told the ABC.