Indo-Bangla PIWTT to be renewed

Staff Reporter :
The Protocol on Inland Water Transit and Trade (PIWTT) between India and Bangladesh will be renewed after every five years instead of the current norm of three years.
Shipping Minister Shahjahan Khan announced the decision in a press briefing at his ministry on Wednesday.
The minister said the decision to extend the protocol duration was taken during a secretary-level meeting between the two countries held in New Delhi on April 20-22. Shafiq Alam Mehdi, Secretary of Shipping Ministry, led a 12-member delegation from Bangladesh.
Besides, the draft agreement on Coastal Shipping between India and Bangladesh was finalised in the meeting for enhancing the connectivity, and trade and commerce between the two neighbouring nations, said the minister.
The final agreement on Coastal Shipping will be signed after the approval of the draft by the governments of the two countries.