‘Indo-Bangla Bazar’ site soon to be launched

Business Desk :
Online shopping platform Indo-Bangla Bazar (Ibibazar.com) is soon to be launched as a joint venture between Bangladeshi and Indian businessmen. Buyers from both the countries will be able to buy all kinds of items from this platform at home in their respective currencies.
Merchants involved in the initiative said they could buy products from the online shopping site and pay the price from their own wallets. Besides bank payment facility, there are all mobile and online payment facilities including bKash, Rocket. In special cases there is the facility of pay on delivery. In that case, the buyers of the two countries will get the same benefit. In other words, they can take the goods of their choice with the currency of their respective countries, said a press release.
Dhaka businessman Mashiur Rahman, who is the main planner of the initiative, said the main problem was the exchange of currency between the two countries. The idea of online shopping is to solve this problem.
He is hopeful that the Indo-Bangla market will become popular with the journey.
Mumtahin Zion, a businessman from Kolkata, said Ibibazar would be open not only to general buyers but also to wholesalers and retailers. An ordinary shopper from Bangladesh and India can buy the best products in the world at home. Apps of the online shopping site can be downloaded soon from the Google Play Store.
In addition to Bangladesh and India, the online market will also feature products from China, US, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, South Korea and Thailand.
