Indictment hearing in Netrokona Razakars case Nov 30


The International Crimes Tribunal-1 (ICT-BD) on Thursday set November 30 for holding hearing on charge framing in the crimes against humanity case against six alleged Razakars from Purbodhola upazilla of Netrokona.
The accused are Sheikh Md Abdul Mazid alias Mazid Mawlana, 66, Md Abdul Khalek Talukder, 67, Md Kabir Khan, 70, Abdur Rahman, 70, Abdus Salam Beigh, 68, and Nuruddin, 70. Of these six, only Rahman is in jail.
“The tribunal has set November 30 for holding indictment hearing and appointed advocate Gazi M Tanim to defend five fugitives in the case,” said prosecutor Sabina Yesmin Khan.
Earlier on May 22, the prosecution submitted formal charge in the case, pressing seven charges including murder, rape, looting and arson against the accused.
The prosecution left the name of accused Ahmad Ali, 78, out of the formal charge as he died in the police custody last year after his arrest in this case.
