Indian wild elephants damaged crop lands, houses in Roumari border

SYLHET: Comrade Sikander Ali, General Secretary, Bangladesh Workers' Party, Sylhet District Unit speaking at a workshop to make people’s power by democratic revolt organised by Bangladesh Workers' Party, Sylhet District Unit recently.
SYLHET: Comrade Sikander Ali, General Secretary, Bangladesh Workers' Party, Sylhet District Unit speaking at a workshop to make people’s power by democratic revolt organised by Bangladesh Workers' Party, Sylhet District Unit recently.
Kurigram Correspondent :
A herd of Indian wild elephant are being entered into Bangladesh territory at night and damaging standing crop lands and houses at Roumari border adjoining villages in Kurigram district and go back early in the morning during the last three days. The farmers are being frustrated.The elephants generally enter into Bangladesh territory at about 8pm to 10pm at Algarchar area crossing international main pillar no 1071 and damaged maize, sugarcane fields, Ropa Aman and many houses. The villagers however came out from their houses for the safe of lives and tried to go back those firing lamps, beating drums and blasting light bombs (Potka).The elephants entered into the houses and ate paddy, rice and mustard. They damaged whole night and went away early in the morning.Local political leader Rezaul Islam Minu told New Nation that there is no food in the Indian hill areas causing the wild elephants have been entering into Bangladesh territory through the gate to meet up their hungry for the last several days.
The elephants also damaged several shallow machines, he added. Hearing the news local law maker of Kurigram constituency-4 Ruhul Amin, former law maker Zakir Hossain, Roumari upazila Parishad chairman Mozibar Rahman Bangobashi, upazila Norhabi officer Abdullah Al Mamun Talukdar and Rejaul Islam visited at Khewarchar area.Local law maker said the herd of Indian wild elephant come from the hill and are damaging everyday. If it continues the farmers will not able to cultivate their respective lands.
The herd of elephants damaged at 10 villages including at Alger char, Khewarchar, Lathialdanga,Bokbanda,Barraibari and Jhaubari, several farmers said.Officer-in-charge of Roumari police station Ruhani told New Nation that the wild elephants enter into the gate. If any one bother them throwing stone and pieces of bricks they exactly damaged his house. It is a matter of surprised that how the elephant identified their respective houses, OC said.
It is mentioned here that while a herd of Indian wild elephant entered into Bangladesh territory about ten days back, one elephant died of heard failure in no man’s land. Later the elephant was buried by Indian concern officials.
