Indian police arrest prominent Kashmiri rights activist

AP, Srinagar :
Police have arrested a prominent rights activist in India-held Kashmir a day after he was barred from leaving India to travel to Geneva to participate in a session of the United Nations’ Human Rights Council, police and family members said Friday.
Police picked up Khurram Parvez from his home in the region’s main city Srinagar late Thursday night.
A police officer, speaking on condition of anonymity, gave no details about the possible charges against Parvez. On Wednesday, immigration officials at New Delhi’s international airport barred Parvez from boarding a plane to Geneva, even though he had a valid visa and letter of invitation from the UN body.
The arrest comes as the troubled Himalayan region has been hit by some of the most serious anti-India protests in recent years.
Triggered by the killing of a popular rebel leader two months ago, the protests have left more than 80 people dead and thousands wounded, mostly by government forces firing bullets and shotgun pellets to quell the demonstrations.