Indian PM sending top diplomat to Pakistan in thawing of ties

Reuters, New Delhi :
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is sending his top diplomat to Pakistan as part of a regional tour, the first top-ranking visit since Modi broke off talks last year over the disputed region of Kashmir.
The sign of a thaw in ties comes weeks after a visit to India by U.S. President Barack Obama.
The United States has long privately encouraged dialogue between India and Pakistan hoping that better ties between the nuclear-armed neighbors could lead to cooperation in other areas such as Afghanistan.
Modi called his Pakistani counterpart, Nawaz Sharif, early on Friday to wish his country luck in the World Cup cricket tournament beginning this weekend and to tell him that new Foreign Secretary Subrahmanyan Jaishankar will soon visit Islamabad as well as other regional capitals.
The Indian government last year abruptly called off talks between the foreign secretaries, incensed that Pakistan’s envoy in New Delhi had hosted Kashmiri separatists in the run-up to those talks.
India considers the whole of Kashmir as an integral part of the country and the decision by Modi’s government to pull the plug on talks with Pakistan represented a stiffening of India’s stand on the 68-year-old dispute over the territory.
Pakistan criticized the decision to cancel the talks and there have since been calls, including from within India, that the two countries must remain engaged.
Sharif told Modi that he welcomed the proposed visit of the Indian envoy to Pakistan to discuss all issues of common interest, the Pakistani foreign office said in a statement.
The neighbors have fought two wars over Kashmir since independence from Britain in 1947 and ties remain difficult since a 2008 attack on Mumbai by Pakistan-based gunmen.
India wants speedy trials of those suspected to have orchestrated the attacks. Pakistan says it is doing all it can.
Modi said in a Twitter post that he called the leaders of Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, besides Pakistan to wish them luck in the cricket tournament being held in Australia.
India play Pakistan in their opening game on Sunday.
Meanwhile, India is sending its top foreign ministry official to Pakistan to resume talks after a hiatus of six months to improve often-hostile relations.
Taking advantage of the Cricket World Cup where their teams are scheduled to play in Australia this weekend, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted Friday he spoke to his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif on the phone and offered to “further strengthen our ties.”
He also wished the Pakistani cricket team good luck.
Sharif welcomed the Indian official’s proposed visit to Pakistan, Sharif’s press secretary said in a statement in Islamabad.
Last August, India called off talks with Pakistan over a meeting between its ambassador in New Delhi and Kashmiri separatist leaders, saying he could either talk with India, or talk with the rebels.