Indian farmers protest govt plans to ease land acquisition

Congress party Vice President Rahul Gandhi holding talks with farmers outside his residence in New Delhi, India on Saturday.
Congress party Vice President Rahul Gandhi holding talks with farmers outside his residence in New Delhi, India on Saturday.
AP, New Delhi
Tens of thousands of flag-waving farmers rallied in India’s capital Sunday to protest a government plan to ease rules for obtaining land for industry and development projects.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said existing rules, established in 2013 to protect land owners from land grabbing and forced relocation, were creating obstacles that were spooking investors. He and industrial leaders say the rules should be simplified to entice foreign business and boost manufacturing in India.
Modi passed an executive order in December doing away with some of the rules. The unilateral move upset opposition parties and rights groups that had long fought for legal safeguards on land acquisition, and they vowed to fight any effort to make the changes permanent after the order expired earlier this month.
Rights activists, labor unions and many among India’s hundreds of millions of farmers say the changes effectively trample the rights of the poor. They accuse Modi of catering to corporate interests, and worry changing the law will leave them vulnerable to poor compensation packages or forced relocation from ancestral lands.
“With the single-minded agenda of kneeling before the corporates … this government has shown that it simply does not care for the poor and toiling people, for our land, agriculture and nature,” the National Alliance of People’s Movements said in a statement.
The opposition Congress party – in power when the 2013 law was passed – has seized on the issue as it struggles to repair its political image following its stunning election defeat last year to Modi and his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party. Both Gandhi family scion Rahul and his mother, party leader Sonia, addressed the rallying farmers at a protest park in central New Delhi on Sunday.
Rahul accused Modi of winning the election with funding from industrialists he now needs to pay back.
“How will he pay back the loan now? He will do it by giving your lands to those top industrialists. He wants to weaken the farmers, then snatch their land and give it to his industrialist friends,” Rahul Gandhi, speaking Hindi, told more than 50,000 cheering farmers who came to the rally from all over India.
Many have questioned how the Congress party planned to counter Modi’s election-winning promise of rapid economic growth.