Indian army chief arrives on 5-day visit


BSS, Dhaka :

Indian Chief of Army Staff General Manoj Mukund Naravane arrived here this morning on a five-day visit at the invitation of his Bangladesh counterpart General Aziz Ahmed.

“The visit of the Indian Army Chief will further strengthen the close and fraternal ties existing between the Armed Forces of the two countries,” a press release of Indian High Commission here said.

The Indian Army Chief is scheduled to pay courtesy calls on the chief of the Army, Navy and Air Force of Bangladesh and meet other senior officers of the forces.


He will also pay tribute to members of the Bangladesh Armed Forces who made the supreme sacrifice during Bangladesh’s Liberation War of 1971 by laying wreath at the altar of Shikha Anirban in Dhaka Cantonment.

The Indian Army Chief will share his experience at a seminar on United Nations Peace Support Operations.

He is scheduled to visit various military stations and witness the culmination exercise, hardware display and closing ceremony of the joint military exercise Shantir Ogroshena.

The Indian Army Chief is accompanied by his spouse and a two-member delegation.
