India woos Chinese mobile phone manufacturers

PTI, New Delhi :
Government will offer full support to Chinese companies who want to set up mobile manufacturing plants here to tap the country’s growing handset market, an official said on Saturday.
The official said there would be clearly differentiated field for those who look “India only as a market” and those who choose to partner with Indian firms.
“There is unprecedented opportunity in this space between Chinese manufacturers and Indian companies. For those who are willing to come in and partner us in India, we will offer every kind of support whether it be at central government or at state government level,” Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) Secretary, Aruna Sundararajan, today said.
She was speaking at second ‘India China Mobile Phone and Accessories Manufacturing Summit’.
“We would welcome partners who will come and manufacture in India. There will be clearly differentiated field for those who look India only as a market and those who choose to partner with us in India,” Sundararajan said.
She further said, India is at present a 280-million smartphone market and the government has a goal that every Indian should have an access to smartphone.