India parliament uproar over conversions by Hindu groups

BBC Online :
Indian opposition MPs have protested in parliament against Hindu nationalist groups for converting religious minorities to Hinduism.
They accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of doing little to stop his hardline supporters from forcibly converting Muslims and Christians.
The protesters forced the upper house of parliament to adjourn after shouting matches led to chaos.
Conversions are legal if they do not involve force, fraud or inducement.
But in recent weeks, a number of religious ceremonies have been organised in different parts of India by Hindu hardline
groups, close to Modi’s governing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and there have been allegations that they involved force, fraud or inducement. The Hindu groups have denied the charges, saying the conversions have been voluntary.
Earlier this month, more than 50 Muslim families were reportedly converted to Hinduism against their will in the town of Agra.
At the weekend, it was reported that about 100 Christians had converted to Hinduism in the western state of Gujarat while 30 Christians were converted in the southern state of Kerala.
Hardline Hindu groups like the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh), Bajrang Dal, VHP (Vishwa Hindu Parishad) and others say that Indian Muslims and Christians were all Hindus who have converted to other faiths over the last few centuries.
These groups regularly hold ceremonies which they call “ghar vapasi” – or returning home – to allow Christians and Muslims to return to their “original religion”.
At the weekend, the head of India’s most powerful Hindu group, the RSS, vowed to continue with the conversions.
“We will bring back those who have lost their way. They did not go on their own… They were lured into leaving,” he said.