Khaleda tells lawyers: India must pay for transit


Staff Reporter :Criticising the deals on transit during Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit without transport fees, BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia has said those would not serve the interests of Bangladesh. Without mentioning the name of India, she said, “Friendship is good, but none wants to make any friendship sacrificing own interests. It is friendship when it ensures equality, otherwise it becomes slavery.” The BNP Chairperson made the remarks while speaking at a view exchange meeting with Jatiyatabadi Ainjibi Forum of Mymensingh District Bar at her Gulshan office on Sunday night.About connectivity she said, “If you want to go to North-Bengal using the Jamuna bridge, you have to pay toll. But there are some countries those will be able to use our country [highways and bridges] without paying anything.””The heavy vehicles will use our roads without paying anything. Our roads are capable of taking that load? We are not barring them from using our roads, but they must pay for it. WE don’t want any friendship in exchange of our country’s interest,” she said.Pointing finger towards the coal-based Rampal Power Plant, Khaleda said, “We are not against the power plant, as Bangladesh needs electricity. If the power plant is established at its present site, the Sundarbans will be destroyed, as the site is very close to the forest.”She also harshly criticized the law about the security of family members of Bangabandhu. “One family will get all sorts of facilities over the whole life and others won’t get anything…it is not fair. It seems, here a kingdom has been established. It is not acceptable in a democratic country.”
