Pathankot attack: India hails Pak probe team, talks deferred

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Aware of public anger after the terror attack in Pathankot, India has deferred Friday’s foreign secretary level talks with Pakistan but was clear that it “would take place in the very near future.”
The idea is to cool temperatures keeping in mind the hard line supporters of the ruling BJP and its extended family. It is not a mere coincidence that the Pakistan International Airlines office in Barakhambha in the heart of Delhi was on Thursday vandalised by a right wing group. After the initial flip-flop over Pakistan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi seems to have settled in favour of playing the peace card. The fact that discussions with Pakistan have not been called-off in a typical knee-jerk reaction, is a positive sign. But it is important for Modi and his policy advisers to think through the process and insulate it from entrenched interests who will try to disrupt any move towards normal ties.
Foreign office spokesperson Vikas Swarup was at pains to clarify that the decision to postpone the talks was arrived at mutually when both foreign secretaries spoke over the phone on Thursday morning. India also welcomed Pakistan’s “actions” with Swarup dubbing them as “initial positive steps.”
“We welcome the statement issued by the government of Pakistan on Wednesday on the investigations into the Pathankot attack.
The statement conveys that considerable progress has been made in investigation being carried out… We note the apprehension of Jaish-e-Mohammed members. The action taken against JeM is an important and positive first step,” Swarup said in his opening statement during Thursday’s weekly briefing.
Reports from Pakistan indicate some members of JeM, the terror group responsible for the attack on the Pathankot air base, have been arrested. Their office forcibly sealed. More importantly, India is ready to welcome a special investigating team (SIT) from Pakistan to follow up on the leads given by New Delhi. “We look forward to SIT visit and our investigating agencies will extend all necessary co-operation to bring the perpetrators of the Pathankot attack to justice,” he said.