Independent candidates major headache during local polls

block :Polls to local bodies like municipalities and Union Parishads due this year is likely to get complicated, unless the regulations are clear on independent candidates.Since the new ordinance and laws seek to allow political parties to field candidates on party symbols in these elections, the question arises about what to do with independent candidates. In a parliament election, an independent candidate has to provide evidence of support from one percent of the electorate to back his or her candidature. An Election Commissioner has said the same precept should be followed in local body polls.But since tens of thousands of independent candidates are likely to contest these local body polls, it would turn out to be mammoth task-and a time-consuming one-for the Election Commission (EC) to check out their evidence of support.So far, the local polls were not conducted along political party lines, though parties supported candidates.The Cabinet cleared amendments to five laws last week paving the way for parties to field candidates.
