Independence has to be meaningful for people’s freedom


We welcome the 52nd Independence and National Day as an independent country. We obtained independence in the most unusual way with the help of India in the midst of brutalities of Pakistan army. Fifty one years ago on this day in 1971, in the face of a brutal massacre by the Pakistani occupation army, the freedom-loving people revolted against the evil forces and succeeded in achieving the victory after a bloody nine-month Liberation War.
Independence of this land has to be built as an independent country by ensuring freedom and happiness of the people. But our educated people did not put in enough efforts to build this country achieved through blood of thousands of people. Our people have become victims of falsehood and conspiracy to enjoy freedom without fear. The people’s supreme sacrifice was soon forgotten. We have not been able to uphold our unity and the country became unsafe for freedom. Things started to evolve the way unbelievable to our people who expected a country where they will enjoy supremacy.
We must show our brave determination as a free people to remain free and not to live in falsehood. We must together build this country to be proud. Sycophancy of misleading history and the government has done too much damage for the good of the country.
Our failure to make democracy is not in consonance with our people’s long struggle.
Today is the day for all us how much we have done to Bangladesh a happy and proud country
