Independence Day celebrated

Joypurhat Correspondent :
The 45th Independence and National Day was celebrated here in a befitting manner and festive mood on Thursday.
The day’s programmes began with heralding of 31 gun salutes at Police Line and placing of wreaths at the altar of the Central Shaheed Minar at Shaheed Dr Abul Kasem Moidan here.
Paying rich tribute to the martyrs, Administrator of Zilla Parishad SM Solayman Ali, Deputy Commissioner of Joypurhat Abdur Rahim, Police Super of Joypurhat Abu Kalam Syddik, placed wreaths at Shaheed Minar.
Besides, Awami League, BNP, CPB, BSD and others political parties and sociocultural organizations placed wreaths at the Shaheed Minar.
Many other organisations like Muktijoddha Sangsad and educational institutions, political, social and cultural groups also followed them.
District Administration, various political, social and cultural organisations and educational institutions including Joypurhat Girls Cadet Collage chalked out various programmes to celebrate the day.
District administration also accorded a reception to the local freedom fighters at Joypurhat stadium and cultural function was held at Shaheed Dr Abul Kasem Maidan in the evening.
Sylhet Correspondent adds: Sylhet district administration and City Corporation together with various political, social and cultural organizations and educational institutions observed Independence and National Day through different programmes on Thursday .
The day’s programmes began with heralding of 31 gun salutes at Sylhet District administration hill and placing of floral wreath at the city’s Shaheed Miners at the zero hours.
The programmes included hoisting of national flag atop all government, semi-government, private and public buildings, institutions, reception to the FFs and screening of documentary films at different cinema halls and other open places.
A combined march-past of the police, ansar-VDP, fire service, BNCC, scouts, girl guides, jail guards and students of different educational institutions were held at Sylhet stadium in the morning.
Divisional Commissioner Md. Shohidul Islam took the salute from the march-past attending as chief guest.
In the noon, the valiant Freedom Fighters were accorded a reception at Kobi Nozrul Auditorium. Sports and discussion will be organized for the women at Shisu Academy premises in the afternoon.
At the district Shishu Academy, competition on arts, patriotic songs and poetry recitation has been arranged for the school and college students.
Improved diets were served among the inmates of hospitals, Chittagong central jail, safe homes and orphans.
Special prayers were arranged at the city’s mosques after zohr prayers and different other worships seeking divine blessings for peace and progress of the nation.
BSS from Bhola adds: Seventy five veteran freedom fighters of the district have been accorded reception at a function here on the occasion of the 45th Independence Day on Thursday.
Administrator of Bhola Zila Parishad Abdul Momin Tulu handed over the bouquets and cash to the freedom fighters in presence of elite of the town.
The function, held at the Zila Parishad auditorium, where speakers recalled the supreme sacrifices and outstanding contributions of freedom fighters during the War of Liberation in 1971.
Deputy Commissioner Mohammad Selim Reza, District and Session judge AKM Zahinur Alam, Chief Executive Officer of zila parishad ABM Shawkat Iqbal Shaheen and commander of district Muktijoddha Sangsad Dost Mahmud spoke on the occasion.