Income status Govt deserves no credit: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Thursday urged Finance Minister AMA Muhith to reveal in three days a list of people involved in plundering money from sate-owned banks.
“The Finance Minister told parliament that he has not been able to take action against all those involved in the Sonali Bank and Basic Bank scams due to obstruction by his own party men. We thank him for his assertion,” said BNP spokesman
Asaduzzaman Ripon.
He further said, “We want to know who are the culprits mentioned by the Finance Minister behind swindling money from the state-owned banks. We call upon him to disclose the names of wicked people against whom he can’t take action. We hope he’ll do it within 72 hours.”
The BNP leader came up with the remarks while addressing a press briefing at the party’s Nayapaltan central office.
Ripon, also BNP’s international affairs secretary, urged Muhith to unmask those ruined the country’s banking sector thorough widespread swindling. As his attention was drawn to the World Bank’s report announcing Bangladesh as a lower middle-income country, the BNP leader said they think it has been achieved through people’s concerted efforts.
“Our women are now engaged in every sector from small cottage to poultry industry. They’re even working for three shifts a day. Our private sector has been expanded for the wholehearted efforts of people and initiatives of investors. It hasn’t happened overnight, but over a few decades.”
Replying to a question, he said the current government has no contribution to turning the country into a lower middle-income one. “All credits go to people. We would have been the middle-income nation much earlier had the government not indulged in plundering and corruption over the last six years. Our GDP growth could have been 7.” Ripon said it is a matter of regret that the government could not check looting public money. “There is no investment in public sector. The government could not attract foreign and local investment.”
According to the World Bank, Bangladesh has become a lower middle-income country with the Gross National Income per capita (GNI), joining those with annual incomes of $1,046 to $4,125. The World Bank in a posting on its website says it revises the income classification of the world’s economies every year on July 1 through calculation using the World Bank Atlas method.