‘Include children with down syndrome in mainstream’


Dhaka University (DU) Vice-Chancellor (VC) Professor Md Akhtaruzzaman said children with down syndrome and other disabilities should be included in the mainstream development process to reach Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
“We should raise awareness everywhere so that people can be more responsible and amiable to the children with disabilities including those with the chromosomal disorder down syndrome, he said this recently while speaking at a programme arranged marking the World Syndrome Day at DU.Department of Communication Disorder of DU, Down Syndrome Society of Bangladesh, Japan-Bangladesh Friendship Hospital and AMDA (Association of Medical Doctors of Asia) Bangladesh organised the discussion at Teacher-Student Centre (TSC) auditorium on the campus.
With this year’s theme- ‘What I bring to my community’, a colourful procession was brought out on the campus.
Professor Dr Sarder A Nayeem, Chairman and Consultant Laparoscopic Surgeon at Japan Bangladesh Friendship Hospital, DU Arts faculty dean Prof Dr Abu Md Delwar Hossain, DU Social Science faculty dean Dr Sadeka Halim and Japan
Programme Co-coordinator of AMDA Bangladesh Kazuko Taketani, among others, addressed the event.
Speakers said children with down syndrome are capable to live normal lives, but they need special care.
Sarder A Razzak, Chairperson of Down Syndrome Society of Bangladesh, delivered the welcome speech while Professor Dr Hakim Arif, Chairperson of DU
Communication Disorder Department, presided over the discussion programme.
Eight individuals and institutions were honoured for their contribution to raise awareness on down syndrome.
