Incessant rain paralyses life in Port City

Chittagong Bureau :
Incessant heavy downpour for the last three days , the civic life in the port city paralysed causing the miseries of the Eid shoppers . The footpaths venders and makeshifts badly affected by the torrential rain . Ahead of Eid festival, the rush of shoppers witnessed in the posh markets and the footfath vendors could not attract the buyers due to incessant rain with gusty wind.
Meanwhile Met office hoisted cautionary signal No.3 in Chittagong coast of the Bay. The mid income and poor are the worst affected in the rain accompanied with tidal water . The low-lying areas of the city and slums were badly damaged by rain and tidal water during high tide in the Bay. The roads and lanes in Bakalia, Bahaddarhat, Kapasgola, Halishahar, Agrabad CDA area, Pabartak, Oxygen area, Chowkbazar inundated with knee deep water causing the miseries to the office goers and business houses. The ground floor of these above areas go under water from midnight .
The vehicles cannot run on the roads in the port city Chittagong as the condition of maximum roads became worst due to lack of renovation after the heavy rainfall with the onset of current rainy season. Most of the roads and alleys in the port city have become unfit for traffic due to cracks and potholes, causing sufferings to the pedestrians, commuters as well as the drivers.
 The maximum vehicles are running with high risk on the roads as the condition of roads became worst in the rain in last weeks. Big ditches, damaging of carpets and lack of renovation works and continuous downpour in last week made the roads of the port city very rough and risky. Most of the roads and alleys in the port city have become unfit for traffic due to cracks and potholes, causing sufferings to the pedestrians, commuters as well as the drivers.
Sources said, the owners of the transports in the port city are to count additional money for repairing their vehicles due to dilapidated state of the roads. The owners alleged that there was no maintenance works of Chittagong City Corporation (CCC) or Chittagong Development Authority (CDA) in the current rainy season. As a result, the bricks and pitches of maximum roads in the city have damaged.
In the current rainy season, the conditions of roads in the port city have become very worst. Besides, the rainy season is still going on. So, after the rainy season, the renovation works of the said roads will be started, concerned sources said.
Meanwhile, after attack of MORA, the CCC mayor A J M Nasir Uddin said that after the rainy season, the renovation works of the roads will be started. Presently, CCC is cleaning the drains for removing the problem of water logging, he added.
Moreover, traffic congestion has made the lives of Chittagong people miserable regularly. The roads of the city are being blocked by the jam hour after hour as the conditions of the roads were the worst. The traffic system of the city has already been collapsed as the vehicles can’t run on the main roads of the port city Chittagong due to traffic jam.
Architect Bidhan Barua of Forum for Planed Chittagong said, for a modern city 13 percent road is necessary. Chittagong metropolitan city, which has 6o square KM areas, needs at least 780 KM roads while there are only 500 KM roads in Chittagong.
As a result, people cannot run freely in the city and traffic congestion makes their lives miserable. Mohammed Ali, a driver, said, it has become tough for them to drive on the dilapidated road and they are to spend additional money for maintenance their vehicles. He said longevity of the vehicles is decreasing day by day due to bad condition of the roads.
Shariar Hossain said, the small vehicles like cars or CNG baby taxies are quite unable to run on the dilapidated roads. He said the roads are repaired on some occasions but returned to their bad shape in few days, increasing further the troubles.
According to the sources in CCC, most of the city roads have lost their strength due to frequent water-logging and only the temporary repair work will not help the roads sustain for long.
The CCC authority was supposed to repair the road but did not show interest due to a need of huge amount of money in the repairing works.
The godowns of the essential commodities in the most popular business hub of chaktai , khatungong damaged partially due to high tide water in the Karnaphuli River. Movement of transports decreases from the morning as most of the roads went under water. Rickshaws are plying randomly. Water-logging is the chronic problems of Chitagong since the regime of former mayors which yet to be mitigated . City Mayor was blamed for the miserable water-logging, different sources said . Informed circles observed if the canals, khal , drains inside the city is properly excavated , the water-logging might be resolved and eviction unauthorised occupiers from the canal, khals immediately.