Abduction, murder: Inaction against Harinakundu OC alleged


Jhenaidah Correspondent :
Father of a son allegedly deprived off judgment from the police brought allegation of inaction in an abduction and murder of his four- year boy Jubayer of Sabek Nityanandapur village of Harinakundu upazila in Jhenaidah.
The allegation against the officer in charge of the police station was disclosed in a press conference at Jhenaidah Press Club on Monday noon.
Madhu Sarder of the village in his written complaint said, some local miscreants following the rivalry in the village had killed his four year son Jubayer on November 3 last year.
The body was recovered from a pond in the village on November 6. He went to the police station on the day and requested the police to entry a case there. But the police denied of receiving any case in the issue. Later he filed a case with the cognigence court in the locality against 11 named persons. The court ordered the officer in charge of the police station to receive the case as complaint.
Since then the OC has been creating pressure on the petitioner of the case Madhu Sarder and other family members to withdraw the case. The OC has threatened Madhu Sarder to kill him in “crossfire”, he alleged.
As he went to the police station to file general diary about threatening him for life, the policed once again had denied of receiving the same, he alleged.
Madhu Sarder said, the accused in the case have been moving public where the police witnesses their movement. Madhu Sarder demanded impartial inquiry to the murder incident and transfer the case from the office of the officer in charge of Harinakundu ensuring justice.
Harinakundu police station OC Mahtab Uddin when contacted for his comments denied of allegation brought by Madhu Sarder in the press conference saying they have arrested two of the accused in the murder case and trying to nab the remaining through drives.
