In search of Nature: 2nd solo exhibition by Biplob Kor

Entertainment Report :
The second solo art exhibition titled ‘In Search of Nature’ by Biplob Kor is ongoing at the EMK Center.
The exhibition was opened on February 16, and will continue till February 28.
Since the beginning of time, humans have been seeking new discoveries. They invented machines to make people’s lives easier. These machines gradually started to isolate people from nature. This led most humans to lose connection to their souls and made them face ambiguity within themselves. The purpose of this exhibition is to portray the artists’ endeavor to bridge the lost ‘cyborgs’ to nature again. The exhibition is an honest portrayal of a journey where machines, men and nature coexist to pave their ways.
The exhibition was inaugurated by Sara Zaker, social and cultural activist, Vice Chairperson, Asiatic 360; and Dr Rashid Amin, Associate Professor, Department of Fine Arts, Jagannath University.