Imrul Kayes, Marshall Ayub join Victoria SC

Imrul Kayes
Imrul Kayes

Imrul Kayes and Marshall Ayub joined Victoria Sporting Club on Monday. Imrul Kayes and Marshall Ayub left their previous team Gazi Tank Cricketers.
Abahani Limited, Mohammedan Sporting Club, Prime Bank and Prime Doleshwar took part on the first day (Sunday) of the players’ transfer window of Premier Division Cricket League held at the Bangabandhu National Stadium.
Imrul Kayes and Marshall Ayub participated on the second day (Monday) of the players’ transfer programme.
After the agreement, Imrul Kayes said, “It is a challenge for me. Last year I played for Gazi Tank Cricketers. A player does not play for one team. Victoria Sporting Club was my first team. I am delighted to return to Victoria.”
Imrul Kayes, The opener first played for the national team in the year of 2008. He played 17 Test matches. He hit a century and a half century for Bangladesh.
When asked him if he again get chance to play for national team Imrul Kayes replied that he would give his cent percent effort. He added that he would do everything for his country.
