Impulse Hospital hired for treatment of police personnel


Staff Reporter :
Bangladesh Police has hired Impulse Hospital in the capital for the treatment of coronavirus-infected police members. “The 250-bed hospital will treat only police members infected with coronavirus,” Assistant Inspector General (AIG-Media) of the Police Headquarters Md Sohel Rana said.
“The specially-dedicated hospital will be handed over formally to the police for treating law enforcers as soon as possible,” he added. Earlier on May 5,
Central Police Hospital and Impulse Hospital signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU). As of Monday, 914 members of Bangladesh Police were infected with coronavirus. Among them, 449 are from Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) alone, said sources at the Police Headquarters.
Besides, they said, six members of the law enforcement died from COVID-19.
Members of Bangladesh Police, Armed forces, and Rapid Action Battalion (Rab), along with other agencies have been jointly working to ensure social distancing across the country.
Meanwhile, a total of 612 physicians were also infected with coronavirus as of Wednesday while treating patients, said Bangladesh Doctors Foundation (BDF), a forum of physicians.
Even though the government extended the general holidays, it eased the restrictions of people’s movement and social distancing considering Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr.
Businesspeople have been allowed to keep shops and shopping malls open till 4 pm every day with a condition of maintaining health guidelines during the general holidays extended until May 16.
