Imposing new license to increase business cost : Rice traders

Barisal Correspondent :
Traders of Barisal rice market cautioned that imposing new license will increase their business costing failing to decrease food price.
On other hand, Food Department official said that this license was not newly imposed, but now stressing freshly to stop hoarding food grain in the godowns of the businessmen.
Mashiur Rahman, District Food Controller of Barisal, said as per direction of the food ministry they already issued letters to 32 whole seller and 9 retailers of food grain market to take license within October 30. The fees of this license was per whole sale trader annually Tk 4,000 plus 15 percent VAT to hoard highest 300 metric tons of rice (food grains) per month and for per retailer license fee would be T.1000 plus 15 percent VAT to hoard highest 15 metric tons rice ( food grains) per month. Already rice traders started to apply for license on prescribe forms with copies of trade license, photos and after ending of the time line food department will start operating mobile courts to check violation of the rules, the DC food said.
One other hand Kamal Saha, cultural secretary of the rice traders association of Barisal, said the compulsion of taking food grain license will increase costing of the businessmen and not help to decrease market price of the commodity.
Rice traders already over burdened with different types of licenses including trade license, income tax return, fire service license, agriculture product license, labour department license and now food grain license. It costs Tk 35 to 40 thousand annually for per trading house increasing business costing and market price.
Price of any commodity depends of demand and supply process and increase of business cost could not decrease commodity price in the market, he added.
