Imported modern railway locomotives in Western Railway


Ishwardi (Pabna) Correspondent :
The Western Railway is equipped with air-conditioned and locomotives imported from the United States. This time the first train drivers are running the train sitting in an air-conditioned (AC) room. So far, they have run the train to the destination with the help of air-conditioned (AC) bogies. Now the drivers are sitting comfortably in their AC compartments. For the last 3 days, four air-conditioned engines imported from USA are being operated experimentally on Rajshahi and Ishwardi routes.
It is learned that 40 locomotives imported from the United States are being added to the Western Railway. 5 of them have reached Ishwardi Lokshed. Since last Thursday, only four engines have been running experimentally with the Kopotaksh Express train.
Because there is only one train running between Ishwardi and Rajshahi during the day. Accompany an outside expert while operating the engines. The errors that will be found during the run, will be fixed later and will be officially run.
The locomotive master Touhidul Islam was the first to run an engine imported from the United States.
Touhidul Islam told The New Nation on Monday that the maximum speed limit of this engine is 140 kilometers per hour. But for now, the maximum speed has been fixed at 120 kilometers per hour.
 He said that he has driven at a speed of 93 kmph, adding that there is a camera and GPS in front and back of the engine. The location of the train can be understood in the dark. On average, iron becomes hot.
Then it takes more than average. In winter, iron is colder. Then it gets cold. We always have to suffer from the hardships of winter. Passengers were able to get to the AC but the drivers had to endure hardships. This is the first time an AC room has been provided for drivers. Now the drivers will be able to drive the train in comfort.
