Implementation Of The Dreams Of Bangabandhu


Md. Hasan Khan, Ph.D :
Billions of Bengalis heart Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur was born on 17th March 1920. So, this year, 2020 is the year of Bangabandhu’s birth centenary. In this fortunate moment, Awami League is in the State Power. So, there is no doubt that, there will be no flaws to celebrate Bangabandhu’s birth centenary celebration. If an anti-independent party is in power, then they will try to stop the celebration by any means. For this, it’s a very fortunate for the nation that Awami League is in governance at this time. Now, no sinister powers can stop the celebration of MujibBorsho. Meanwhile, the countdown of MujibBorsho has been started across the country. Bangabandhu’s dearest daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the countdown event. In that event, her younger sister Sheikh Rehana and her son Sajeeb Wazed Joy accompanied her. In this event she said, ‘From darkness we have started our journey to the light. Between that there was a dark chapter which has gone from our life. I pray that, the dark chapter won’t come again in this country. We want to move ahead with the torch of victory which was given to us by the Father of Nation. We want to make Bangladesh free form hunger and poverty, and a developed country dreamt by the father of nation. As a victorious nation the people of Bangladesh will not bow down and won’t bow down.
Everywhere around the world the country peoples are walking their head high as a developed nation, so in this day this will be our oath.” Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s hopeful thoughts are mainly the thoughts of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Every time we hear the dreams of Bangabandhu from Sheikh Hasina. She is completing the incomplete works of Bangabandhu with her life. Bangladesh has come to this stage through many sinister powers. There have been many fatal attacks on Sheikh Hasina. But she was irresistible like her father. No conspiracy could stop him. On 19th August 1972, in the National Assembly of Bangladesh Student League Bangabandhu gave a speech. Where he said, “I have told on this ground that, the struggle this time is for our emancipation, the struggle this time is for our independence. We have got independence but I don’t know have we get freedom or not. We got political freedom. But did we get economic freedom without the economic freedom our freedom means nothing.” Bangabandhu’s dream was the economic freedom of Bangladesh. Not any head of states thought about the economic freedom when Awami League came after the events of 25th August 1975. Our beloved Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has completed the unfinished works of Bangabandhu. Today Bangladesh has a economic prosperity. Today Bangladesh has become growing economic country. People’s purchasing power increased due to economic freedom. Many countries want to invest in our country. For these, Bangabandhu’s dream of economic freedom has become true.
Bangabandhu knew that, true freedom won’t come as long as our country people could not eat with their stomach full. Once there was a famine in this country. Many people died due to starvation. For this, he wanted this country as a self-sufficient country of food. He wanted our country people to eat three times a day with their stomach full. In 1972, in constituent assembly speech he said that, “We have to put a smile on poor people’s face. Bengal’s people have to survive with a minimum food. I’ve asked many leaders around the world. They came and helped me. With the help of friendly countries, we started our war against hunger. Many people told me that, about fifty lakh Bengali people will die due to hunger. Don’t know how much I did. But I only know that, there were no flaws in my attempt.” But his dream of self-sufficient country of food died with him on the 15th August incident. But his daughter made the dream came true. Today there is no shortage of food in our country and no person die due to hunger. Government is arranging many programmes to ensure everyone’s right to eat. So, Bangladesh is not a country of famine anymore and it is exporting foods to other countries over the world. All of these are possible only because of the bold leadership of our Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
Bangabandhu wanted Bangladesh as a secular country. People of every religion live here with peace and harmony. There will be no violence and no fights for religion. In constituent assembly he said that, ‘Secularism does not mean atheism. Hindu-Muslims will practice their religion and their duties. Hindus will practice their own religion, Christians will practice their own religion, Buddhas will practice their own religion. Bengali peoples do not want that, no-one can interface to other’s religion. But it is not for atheism, it is also for those who use religion as a tool of political power and Bengali people verdict this. If anyone uses religion as a tool for political power; I believe that, they will reject him.” Bangabandhu’s this dream became true because of Awami League government is under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina. Today Bangladesh is a fertile land of communal harmony. The government of Sheikh Hasina ensured the security for the minorities. Many countries of the world are developed but they did not get free from the poison gas of communal violence. Communal riot and ethnic cleansing are still happening in many countries around the world. Rohingya ethnic cleansing is happing in Myanmar. And as a humanitarian example to the world, Bangladesh gave Rohingyas asylum in the country. With all these, Bangladesh has become a liberal Bangladesh and the dream of our father of nation has fulfilled.
Like these, our Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is fulfilling every dram of Bangabandhu. We wish her Mujibio greetings. I believe that, the prayers of country peoples are with her. Inshallah, the success of vision and goal of keeping the MujibBorsho will come.
Joy Bangla, Joy Bangabandhu.
Wish everyone the greetings of MujibBorsho.
(Md. Hasan Khan, Ph.D; An Awami League leader and Columnist)
