Commentary: Impartial EC has to ensure impartiality of the govt

The announcement of the name of the new Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) and four other commissioners by President Abdul Hamid on Monday ended the work of the Search Committee, but many wonder whether the search for a free and fair election will really come meaningful at the end. It appears that the name of the new CEC Mr Nurul Huda was not in the list of any political party including Awami League and BNP, but the Search Committee specially recommended his name at the last minute for CEC along with the name of a BNP nominee and former Cabinet Secretary Ali Imam Majumder.

We understand it is difficult for anybody to find politically impartial persons when the nation is systematically divided politically. We believe that impartiality of the Election Commission will mean nothing if the government remains determined not to be impartial for wining the elections.


The Search Committee was set up to pick up credible candidates enjoying highest trust of the people, but most election which will come under intensive intervention of the government, as experience shows, in almost every aspect of the election.

It was impossible for the judiciary to be sure who would be acceptable to all the political parties. The question is that election process must be viewed as a political problem which needs to be resolved politically. But unfortunately we have no political leaders showing ability to solve political problems. We have always been against the judges of the Supreme Court to play any role politically which is often highly disputed.

Under the present system, the government remains in power with full force. It is for the Election Commission to secure assurance from the government about its neutrality for the election process. That is the way for Election Commission to prove its competence for ensuring free and fair election. Their impartiality counts in stopping the government from interference and to behave like an impartial caretaker government. Otherwise as individuals who is impartial and who is not does not matter. The Election Commission as impartial body must have the courage to impartially run the process by creating impartial atmosphere for free and fair election.
