Impact of food habit on environment

Md. Iqbal Hossain (Hira) :
I like to say few words about environment. Should not we do something for environment? Certainly we should do.
Change of food habit and life style of people will save environment from degradation to a great extent. Our food habit in general is a threat to the environment.
In the Bengali month of Baishakh, the sweet water fishes release roes. At that time, the fishermen catch the fishes carrying roes for sale in the market. We see them to toss about in pain on their pots and we make no hesitation to buy for making them part of curry at home.
Such destructive habit becomes source of death of tens and thousands of fishes. If we control our greed, that will be very good for both fish and environment.
Bangladesh is self-sufficient in fish production. So, can’t we spare the sweet water fish for few days? We can do that. At that time of fishes releasing roes, the greedy fishermen wait with harpoon, current net and polo (one kind of fish catching cane made pot) to prey them. Whenever the fishermen see the shoal of fishes, they throw away net in the water and catch. A small number of fishes can save themselves and their kids.
It is said that the Bengalis are a kind nation. But is this the sample of kindness?
Will there be deficiency of protein in our bodies if we change of food habit like eating roe rich fishes. The most of the rivers, beels and other water bodies are the target of a section of fishermen. By this time, a good number of species of fish have already disappeared because of our voracious attitude. The use of current net is also causing death to water animals like snakes, otter and others.
Do you kill mother children when move in the home yard with small kids? Fish and other aquatic. Animals are important part of environment. The lesser the fishes are, it will have adverse impact on the environment. Now let me speak something about birds, which are branded as product of nature. But we have made them our foods. We see so many birds in the cages for sale. Yet our eyes target innocent dove. We find many birds to flutter their wings for freedom from the captivity of the hunters and traders. Away in the forests, their hungry kids cry for their mothers as well as fathers.
Thousands of birds arrive in our country for safety in the winter Instead of welcoming them, we kill them with traps, arrow and bows. Is it sample of a kindness and hospitality? Radiation from the cell phone tower, ruining the birds habitations and random use of chemicals are decreasing the number of birds in our country. And at the same time, if we kill them, it will be like driving the last nail in the coffin.
Now let us talk about the mammalia animals, some species of which have already disappeared. Special forests created to tame them are also under threat. By animals, we understand bear, tiger, elephants, and deer. We have many projects to save them, hold seminars and launch campaign. But we give little attention to khatas (an animal of jackal group), wild cat, lemur ( an animal of monkey group), wild hare, porcupine and civet cat.
Have we any step to save them. All kinds of wild animals and trees have important contributions to the environment. One hugs the other. If a part is snapped, the whole chain will collapse. Natural calamities like hurricane, tornado, flood, drought are striking in the world to leave signs of ruins and destructions behind. To get rid of diabetic, high blood pressure and diarrhoea, if we can drop beef, fowl, red meat and sweets, why should we not be able to change our life style and food habit?

(The writer is the member of Muktir Bandhan Foundation)
