Impact of Covid-19 on labour market will affect SDG plans


Business Desk :
7 million jobs in the micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) sector, 5 million jobs in the transport sector, 3 million jobs in the construction sector, and more than 3 million jobs in the manufacturing sector disappeared temporarily during the initial lockdown, research shows
The adverse impacts of Covid-19 on the labour market will have serious ramifications in terms of attaining Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Bangladesh, experts said at a conference on Monday.
So, they said, policy responses need to be designed considering the immediate, short-term, and medium-term ramifications of the pandemic.
They made the observations at the second plenary session of a conference, titled “Bangladesh Emerging from the Pandemic: Coping Experiences and Policy Choices,” jointly organized by the Citizen’s Platform SDGs and the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD). Asif Ibrahim, vice-chairman of New Age Group and Industries and a core group member of the platform, co-chaired the session titled “Implications of Covid-19 for the Labour Market.”
