Imams urge devotees in khutba to remain alert about COVID-19

BSS, Dhaka :
Imams of mosques across the country urged the devotees to remain alert about the novel coronavirus while giving religious sermon “khutba” before the Jummah prayers on Friday.
At the call of Islamic Foundation (IF), Khatib of Baitul Mukarram National Mosque Mufti Mawlana Mohibullahil Baki Nadvi gave directives about the coronavirus and offered a special doa and mujanat after the Jummah prayers at the mosque, said an IF press release.
State Minister for Religious Affairs Advocate Sheikh Md Abdullah was present on the occasion. Besides, officials and employees of the IF were also present.
Earlier, the Islamic Foundation requested all mosque authorities across the country to arrange discussion on what to do or not to do during the Jummah khutba in light with the Islam to keep the mankind, including Muslims, protected and safe from coronavirus and to help them remain alert.
It said the spread of coronavirus has turned into a ‘pandemic’ across the world including China, Italy and Iran while three individuals were detected with the COVID-19 in Bangladesh.
Responding to the call of the IF, discussions were held at mosques across the country over the issue.