Imams can play vital role to ensure food security


City Desk :

Imams have a vital role towards the field of ensuring food security as their attachment to the cross-section of people in the present society is very strong compared to other professions.
They can disseminate important messages related to innovative and modern agricultural technologies and high yielding varieties of crops, fruits and vegetables to the grassroots people easily.
Agricultural experts and communication academics came up with the observation while addressing the closing ceremony of a two-day capacity building workshop in Rajshahi on Tuesday.
Framing Future Bangladesh (FFB) organized the programme titled “Role of Imams for Ensuring Food Security through Agricultural Innovation and Application of Agro-biotechnology in Bangladesh” at Imam Training Academy (ITA), reports BSS. Around 50 trained imams joined the training interacting with scientists, academics and development partners besides talking about modern agricultural innovations, including gene editing, genetically modified organisms and crop biotechnology.
Prof Dr Tofazzal Islam, Director of Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering in Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, conducted the technical session as resource person disseminating his expertise on the issue.
Associate Professor Satil Siraj from the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism in Rajshahi University shared his views.
FFB Executive Director Arif Hossain, ITA Deputy Director Malik Hayder and Imam Mawlana Ishak Ali also spoke. Prof Tofazzal Islam said it will not be impossible for humans to survive without taking or adopting the agricultural innovation to overcome the adverse impact of the covid-19 pandemic.
In his remarks, Satil Siraj urged the attending religious leaders to disseminate information about the aspects and importance to the grassroots people. Malik Hayder said: “Our religion always supported science and innovation which are good for humankind”.
He also discussed the importance of demystifying misinformation about agricultural innovations, specially aligned with the Islamic references.
Arif Hossain told the meeting that FFB is a comprehensive communication and community engagement organization aimed to improve access to modern agricultural innovations for sustainable food security in Bangladesh. It is effectively engaging key stakeholders and a community of advocates to promote access to scientific innovation as a means of enhancing food security, improving environmental sustainability and raising the quality of life.
