ILO urges Govt to implement Labour Act rules


UNB, Dhaka :The International Labour Organization (ILO) has urged the government to implement the proposed rules of the Labour Act to comply with international labour standards.Karen Curtis, Chief of the Freedom of Association Branch of ILO’s International Labour Standards Department, said the rules should be issued without further delay as it is critically important that they comply with international labour standards.A high-level ILO delegation, led by Karen Curtis, visited Bangladesh during May 19-21 this year to discuss the rules with the government and other stakeholders, according to an ILO media release.She said, the speed with which the government revised the Bangladesh Labour Act following Rana Plaza sent a strong signal about its commitment to enhance labour rights and working conditions.”It’s vital that the implementation rules fully reflect this and promote core labour standards. This is an ideal opportunity for Bangladesh to get the rules right and to make a statement to the world that it remains serious about improving labour rights,” the ILO official said.In the aftermath of the Rana Plaza collapse, the Labour Act was revised to create a firmer foundation upon which safety and better rights in the RMG sector could be built. However, almost two years after the revised Act was adopted by parliament on July 15, 2013 its implementing rules have yet to be finalised.
