Illegal dams on Bankkhali pose threat to structures


Cox’s Bazaar Correspondent :
The River Bankkhali is gradually changing its course due to construction of five illegal spurs and dams across the river from Khuruskul bridge to Godar Para under Cox’s Bazar Sadar upazila.
These illegal structures are also posing serious threat to the establishments on both sides of the river.
On the other hand, illegal encroachers are occupying vast lands worth crores of taka by impeding the normal flow of water with concrete sacks.
Due to illegal embankments North Rumaliarchhara, Godar Para, SM Para and Chowdhury Para areas under Cox’s Bazar town have fallen under threat of erosion. Schools and colleges including mosques, madrasas and hundreds of homesteads have gone into the river during the last rainy season. Moreover, at Godar Para point, a shrimp hatchery named Protishthan Fishpark worth Tk 150 crore and other set-ups under the investment of government and non-government partnership are also facing threats of extinction.
Mahamudul Haq Sikder of North Rumliarchhara said besides rainy season, erosion also happens in other times, devouring establishments. There was a 25-feet wide road from Alir Jahal via Godar Para to Chhankhola ghat which has also gone into the river.
He further said about 2,000 acres of cropland at Borua Para, Saodagor Para, Chander Para, SM Para, Godar Para and Majhir ghat have been submerged with saline water, impeding cultivation.
Another resident Mostafizur Rahman of Godar Para said about one decade ago there were 5,000 families in Godar Para who have been shifted to other places.
 However, schools, colleges, mosques, madrasas, maktabs and graveyards of the area have also gone into the river.
If the illegal dams are removed from the river, it will get back its original course and thousands of people who lost their workplaces and homesteads will be reinstated, he added.
Deputy commissioner (DC) of Cox’s Bazar Md Ruhul Amin said setting-up of dams over the Bankkhali River is totally illegal. Necessary steps will be taken after proper investigation, he added.
