Allegation against Nischa: Ilias Kanchan’s 24-hr ultimatum to Shajahan Khan

Staff Reporter :
Popular Actor and founder and Chairman of Nirapad Sarak Chai (Nischa – We demand safe road) Ilias Kanchan on Wednesday urged the former Shipping Minister Shajahan Khan to stop spreading propaganda against him and his organization.
The Nischa founder said it in a press conference at National Press Club in the capital.
Replying to a query Ilias Kanchan said, he is worried about his life, as Shajahan Khan has provoked the transport workers against him and his family.
The Nischa chairman has given 24 hours ultimatum to Shajahan Khan to prove the allegations he made against him (Ilias Kanchan).
Ilias Kanchan said, “If you (Shajahan Khan) have the courage, show us the evidence in favour of your claims.”
Nischa chairman also welcomed Shajahan Khan to participate in a live talk show with him that the whole nation will watch and then judge who is right.
Kanchan says that the transport leader has spread misinformation about him, his family and the members of his organization without any evidence.
Kanchan said that Shajahan Khan spread these defamatory words to mislead the nation as well as prevent implementation of the Road Transport Act 2018. Earlier on December 8, Bangladesh Road Transport Workers Federation (BRTWF) Executive President Shajahan Khan claimed that Ilias Kanchan embezzled crores of taka given for his road safety awareness movement Nirapad Sharak Chai.
The former minister asserted that Kanchan ran the safe road movement with his own income for the first 12 years, but later received donations from foreigners and the organization’s members.
Ilias Kanchan said Nischa was registered as an NGO on December 27, 2015, to work on road safety.
He further claimed that members’ donations are the only source of income of his organization. It does not receive donations from abroad.
