IGP slams Khaleda for her remarks against police


Inspector General of Police (IGP) AKM Shahidul Haque on Saturday termed baseless and regrettable BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia’s comment that the police foiled their movement by hurling patrol bombs and torching vehicles.
“People know it very well who had thrown petrol bombs. They also handed over firebomb throwers to police. We’ve also a list of those involved in it,” he said. The IGP came up with remarks while talking to reporters at a press briefing at the Police headquarters.
“Police are friends of people. It’s regrettable if any one makes political statement to dent the image of police,” he added.
Speaking at an iftar programme at the Supreme Court Auditorium, the BNP chief on Saturday said, “Police set fire to and hurled petrol bombs at buses. They themselves admitted to doing it… Our three-month long movement would not have stopped, had police not killed people by hurling firebombs and torching buses.”
Reacting to the remarks, Shahidul Haque questioned journalists, “You gather information from roads to everywhere. Did you get any such information? This is a baseless allegation.”
The IGP urged all to refrain from making any irresponsible remarks that may destroy the image of the force.
