IGP says sorry asks police not to use force against citizens


THE Inspector General of Police (IGP) AKM Shahidul Hoque on Sunday said ‘sorry’ for the faults committed by police personnel contrary to the arrogance that goes with power in our country, as reported in The New Nation. The police chief also instructed policemen not to physically assault anyone, including “offenders” in their custody, because beating up the citizens is not their duty. The police remand as a source of torture is unconstitutional. Let it be stopped. There is a decision of the Supreme Court not to take an accused into police custody. The IGP revealed that he punished more than 600 policemen for indiscipline.
The IGP should be welcome for his frank and open acknowledgement of offences done by police like assaulting the citizens by terming them criminals, torturing political opponents, victimizing ordinary people, extorting by intimidation, easy cross-fire killing and many more. The excesses the police have been committing would not have happened if the police could not be used by the government as political force for their own political use.
According to the report, the IGP instructed police personnel not to club the citizens while discharging duties. He also said that police can release the detainees if the crimes are petty after obtaining an undertaking from the guardians, and if crimes are severe, police will take legal action. Such remarks have come at a time when police have been facing difficult questions about serious wrong-doing including murder, extortion etc. In our view, much damage has been done to the discipline of otherwise a potentially good police force. These policy matters should have been taught the police at the very initial stage.
It has to be said sadly that police has ceased to be people’s friends, still people want to be helped by them and people seek their help.
Not only the political leadership but also top police officers have to be blamed for the bad reputation police have to bear. The orders delivered in the past by top police officers, including DIGs such as “shoot at sight”, “open fire to contain troublemakers” could not encourage police to be responsible. These police high-ups had ignored that police were using excessive power against political protesters in Brahmanbaria, Tangail, Satkhira, and many other parts of the country over the past few years.
The issue is serious whether or not police will have the professional integrity and honesty as law enforcers. We have leaders to whom institution building for good governance has no importance. People pay for the police so that they make their life safe from law breakers as law enforcers.
We wish the IGP and other top officials succeed in saving the police as law enforcers. But we have proved as a nation that we are too selfish and too subservient. So we are not so optimistic that the IGP will be able to take the strong position needed.
We need to know how to earn pride for our country through discipline and honesty in the government. But we congratulate the IGP for coming out openly on the side of the people.
It affects our national image when police commit crimes and behave as political workers. No nation can earn good image by tolerating indiscipline in disciplined forces.
