BNP leader Dr. Mosharraf questions: If they were militants, why police shot from behind?

Staff Reporter :
BNP standing committee member Dr. Khandakar Mosharraf Hossain on Thursday expressed his doubt about the authentication of the official statement that the nine youths were killed at Kalyanpur on Tuesday morning during gunfight with Police.
“If the slain youths were militants, then why did the police shoot them from behind? It reveals from the post mortem report that they bore bullet wounds in the backs of their bodies. So, the report made us to think otherwise.
The BNP leader said at a round table meeting held in the National Press Club organised by an organisation named `Barristars for change’.
The topic of the discussion was ‘Supplementary credit card, and its effect on the case against BNP Vice-Chairman Tarique Rahman’.
Dr. Mosharraf said, the government is playing blame game about militancy,
and blaming the BNP and the Jamaat-e-Islam instead of arresting real culprits. He said, two of Awami League leaders’ sons were among the militants killed at Gulshan and Kalyanpur. Former Secretary Shafiur’s son has threatened from abroad. Shafiur assisted Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir to break discipline in the secretariat in 1996.
“If any one of those militants had link with the BNP and the Jamaat, it would have created turmoil in the country,” he said.
He said, the government is not honest about eliminating militancy. That is why police killed the arrested extremists in the name of gunfight.
Anwar Hossain, the President of the organisation presided over the meeting. Jaynul Abedin and Nitai Roy Chowdhury were, among others, present.
Meanwhile, BNP standing committee member Goyeshwar Chandra Roy in a separate meeting asked the government to return voting right to the people.
Jatiyatabadi Krishak Dal organised the meeting at National Press Club yesterday protesting the verdict against BNP’s senior Vice-Chairman Tarique Rahman.
Goyeshar Roy alleged, the government is involved with conspiracy to send BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia to jail filing fabricated cases. He urged the government to come back to the path of democracy.
BNP chairperson’s Advisor and Krishak Dal Secretary General Shamsuzzaman Dudu presided over the meeting.