If I’m the leading lady in a film with certain quirk to her character, I’d do it: Adah Sharma


Actor Adah Sharma is definitely on a career high and busy shooting with actor Prabhudheva for her Tamil film, Charlie Chaplin 2. In the film, Adah will once again try her hand at comedy, a genre which she has experimented with earlier as well, in her film Commando 2 (2017).
Was it due to the appreciation she got for her role in Commando 2 that she decided to do comedy again? “Well, doing that role was a big risk, with the accented Hindi and all. But I really am very grateful to the audience for accepting me. They appreciated my performance in my first film, 1920 (2008), also. I feel that getting a film with all the criteria I want is tough. But once the film releases, only the audience can make or break an actor,” says Adah, adding that she is looking to only grow from here. “After Commando 2, I feel very brave and I think I can try more experimental roles. There is more coming up soon,” she adds.
Asked if she would repeatedly take comic roles if they come her way, Adah replies in the affirmative. “If my role is that of the leading lady, who has a certain quirk or comical element to her character, I would love to do it. In Charlie Chaplin 2 as well, this girl I play is completely mad. And I had to let go a lot of my inhibitions to play this part.”
Reports are abuzz that Adah will soon do Commando 3 also. So, will fans get to see her doing comedy again or is there something new in store? “I will be playing the same character, Bhavana Reddy. Since people enjoyed her in part 2, they’ll see more of her in part 3 and, yes, she will continue being very funny,” reveals the actor.
