IEEE IAC President visits DIU

Campus Report :
David B Durocher, President of IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAC) along with Peter Magyar, IEEE Fellow and Dr Mohammad Islam, IEEE Fellow visited Daffodil International University (DIU) on Sunday.
Prof Dr Syed Akhter Hossain, Head CSE department, Narayan Ranjan Chakraborty, Associate Head CSE Department, ABM Moniruzzaman, Counselor, IEEE DIU Student Branch along with other faculty members of CSE and EEE Department welcomed the visitors at the university.
They first visited “Solar Car” project patronized by Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, DIU where Md. Abdullah Al Noman, captain of “Yes You Can” team, explained all sorts of mechanism of this Solar Car. The visiting team wondered and appraised this solar car as an outstanding and exception project; and motivated this project to participate IAC design competition.
During their visit, a discussion took place with the management of the University, where Prof Dr Yousuf M M Islam, Vice Chancellor, Prof Dr Md. Fokhray Hossain, Director (International Affairs), Prof Dr Md Fayzur Rahman, Head, EEE Department, Prof Dr Pran Kanai Saha, Prof, EEE Department, Md. Dara Abdus Satter, Asst. Professor and Associate Head EEE Department, ABM Moniruzzaman, Counselor, IEEE DIU SB were present during his discussion session.
In the discussion session, David B Durocher, President of IEEE IAC, explain IAC activities and benefits for the student and the university. He also requested to open IEEE IAC Chapter in this university. Prof Dr Yousuf M M Islam, Vice Chancellor, instantly agreed to his proposal and instructed IEEE DIU SB to form IEEE IAC chapter in this university.
After the discussion session, Prof Dr Yousuf M M Islam, Vice Chancellor of the university handed over the “Crest of Appreciation” to David B Durocher, Peter Magyar and Dr Mohammad Islam. The meeting ended with luncheon from the organizing committee.
