ICU bed crisis in Chattogram


Staff Reporter :
When the number of corona infected patients is rising in Chattogram, there has been no true efforts to increase oxygen and ICU facilities. At present there are only 10 ICU beds for two and a half thousand Covid-19 patients. Doctors fear if at least 60 intensive care units (ICU) beds are not arranged within this week, a catastrophe situation might convulse all.
Besides, according to physicians, in Chattogram, around 80 percent corona patients of 3,500 had no symptoms. Around 10 percent had only minor symptoms and 5 percent out of the remaining 10 has to be treated in different hospitals.
For these 5 percent patients, the Health Department has become very worried.
More than one thousand corona patients are now being treated in four specialized hospitals in the Port City. These serious patients need oxygen as well as ICU facilities to prevent shortage of breath. However, the Health Department could not provide 10 more ICU beds in the general hospital.
As a result, most of the corona infected patients are losing lives due to inadequate medical facilities. In the last 24 hours, six people died, with these casualties, deaths toll reaches 83.
Dr Moizzul Akbar Chowdhury, Organizing Secretary of BMA in Chattogram said that only ’20 ICU beds for the whole Chattogram is nothing. It’s not enough to meet the needs of the common people.
‘Chattogram Public Health Rights Protection Committee’s Member-Secretary. Sushast Barua said if we failed to provide oxygen and ICU with ventilator support in this situation, we could face the wailing situation in treatment.
Meanwhile, Chattogram Civil Surgeon Dr Sheikh Fazle Rabbi said, “The benefits of ICU depend on the training of nurses. However, duty Physicians have also started experimental work on ICU. It may take couple of days to make all the ICUs active, Civil Surgeon added.
