Md. Hamidul Haque Khan (Murad) :
Information and Communication Technology means the new world as set of tools, processes and methodology (Such as programming, data communication, data conversion, storage and retained, system analysis and design, system control) and associated equipment employed to collect, process and present information. In board terms, IT includes office automation, multimedia and telecommunication. In a nutshell we can say without it this new era of present world is a big zero.
It is the infrastructure and components of that enable modern computing. Though there is no single universal definition of ICT. The term generally accepted to mean all devices, networking components. Applications and systems that combined and allow the people and organizations to interact in the digital world like business, non-profit organizations, Governments and criminal enterprises. Almost every day the concept of ICT evolving, the broadness of ICT covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit or receive information automatically in a digital form.
We the Bangladeshi are passing this era. Bangladesh is dreaming, the present Government has created this dream and now implementing effectively through IT expert Mr. Sajib Wazed Joy the IT advisor of Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. A substantial achievement has already been made and it will be continued in future to do hundred percent digital Bangladesh in a short span of time.
The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) represent the global information and communications technologies (ICT) industry sector. The ICT sector and the Internet are now one and the same. Both enable growing trade in information goods and services and are the basis for 21st century commerce and communications, and central to global economic, social and development. Wherever it is available, the Internet provides, and must continue to provide, information that reduces gaps and inequalities in health and education. The single, global Internet, not multiple national versions, enables this, and must be preserved, extended and enhanced.
The World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA) is a leading consortium of ICT industry association members from over 80 countries/economies around the world. WITSA’s members represent more than 90 percent of the world ICT market. WITSA was founded in 1978 as the World Computing Services Industry Association, and participates in advocacy in international public policy that affects the “global information infrastructure”. It voices the concerns of the international IT industry in organizations such as the World Trade Organization, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the G8. WITSA’s motto is “Fulfilling the Promise of the Digital Age”
WITSA members are leaders in a globally interconnected marketplace. As the challenges facing the ICT industry are undisputedly global in nature, their members work together to achieve a shared vision on important issues of common interest. It is possible for the members throughout the world to identify common issues and priorities, exchange valuable information, and present a united position on industry issues.
WITSA is the leading recognized voice of the global ICT Industry which is the key driver of global economic growth. To promote and facilitate the global growth of the information and communications technology and services industry through public policy development and advocacy, the promotion of global trade and investment, global forum and experience.
WITSA has identified and adopted eight key critical forces to propel the organization to greater height which has appended below:
Public Policy: To strengthen WITSA’s advocacy role in the development of ICT-related international public policy.
Global Trade: To facilitate global trade among WITSA members that impacts the growth of the ICT industry.
Membership: To increase and to retain WITSA members by providing greater membership value.
Partnership/Collaboration: To build and to enhance WITSA’s relationships with corporations, globally recognized organizations and institutions and governments in order to garner greater support, participation and recognition of WITSA.
Flagship Events: To continue hosting WITSA’s flagship events in different parts of the world in order to strengthen WITSA’s global thought leadership position.
Global Recognition: To improve WITSA’s brand and public relations efforts in order to increase and enhance WITSA’s image and reputation globally.
Operational Efficiency: To improve WITSA’s operational efficiency in financial capabilities, organizational capabilities, and increase value to WITSA’s members and partners.
Organizing Global ICT Excellence Awards: To recognize outstanding ICT users from around the globe.
Capacity building: To focus on understanding the obstacles that inhibit people, governments, international organizations and non-governmental organizations from realizing the benefits from ICT and its development.
These key critical forces will be supported and implemented via various initiatives, activities and tasks.
WITSA Global ICT Excellence Awards
The WITSA Global ICT Excellence Awards honor achievements in the application of information technology around the globe. Winners have exhibited excellence in one of four categories: Public Sector Excellence, Private Sector Excellence, Sustainable Growth and Digital Opportunity. A Chairman’s Award is presented to a nominee selected from the entire pool of candidates from all four awards categories. The award ceremonies are a signature event of the proceedings at the World Congress on Information Technology.
Global Trade Committee
The Committee was established in September 2008. The Committee played a key role in facilitating global trade among WITSA members to spur the growth of the ICT industry and support the following key objectives:
To promote global trade on ICT leveraging on WITSA’s global network and members;
To offer a platform for members to engage in business matching and multilateral meetings; and
To promote the ICT economy in global trade
The Committee was responsible for the establishment of the Soft Landing Zone. It was first announced in October 2009. Through these soft landing zones, members, global partners and their affiliates would have at their disposal the necessary infrastructure and facilities to identify and build business alliances with buyers, sellers or investors.
WITSA Trade Mission is another initiative by the Committee to provide a platform for member economies to host trade missions, attract potential investment and promote the ICT industry of the host economy. Through the trade missions, WITSA provides opportunities for participants to network with potential business partners, to forge strategic alliances and to explore global business opportunities.
Mr. Sabur Khan re-elected WITSA director and GTC chairman
To represent Bangladesh in Global Information and Communication Technology, Bangladesh Computer Samity nominated the Chairman of Daffodil family Md. Sabur Khan, getting highest votes, has been re-elected as WITSA (World Information Technology Services Alliance) Director and GTC (Global Trade CommitteeChairman)
This competitive election took place at the WITSA General Assembly held at Sao Paolo in Brazil on October 4, 2016. This achievement has been possible due to have continuous and regular communication of BCS with WITSA. It is naturally expected that Bangladesh will play a more significant role in the field of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) sector through this remarkable achievement.
Bangladesh gets WITSA global ICT award
Bangladesh was awarded with the prestigious ‘Global ICT Excellence Award’ in the category of ‘Public Sector Excellence’ for outstanding contribution in social development of the nation using IT. ICT division State minister Mr. Zunaid Ahmed Palak received the award on behalf of Bangladesh Government at World Congress on IT-WCIT in Mexico.
After receiving the award, in reaction, State Minister said that with the active guidance of the PM we were able to make a huge leap toward a true digital Bangladesh. Mr. Palak also added that the award was in fact the achievement of 16 million people of Bangladesh as they all cooperated to make this happen.
The expert committee of World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA), comprising of 80 nations, nominated Bangladesh in this particular category. The Awards program aims at identifying the most outstanding users of information and communications technology. Held every two years, the WCIT is covered by hundreds of local and international media representatives as well as approximately 2,000 high ranking delegates from around the world. WITSA represents IT industry associations in over 80 countries or economies.
WITSA Awards 2021 World Congress on IT to Bangladesh
The WITSA Board of Directors at its March 10th meeting in Canberra, Australia, selected the Bangladesh Computer Samity (BCS) to host the 2021 World Congress on IT in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Bangladesh, a 147,570 square kilometer land of diversity that is truly an amazing nation filled with natural beauty, resource and warm hospitable people. Bangladesh is one of those few high potential nations that smartly harnesses its strengths while utilizing information technology to leap into the digital age and go on to become one of the strongest economies of the world. With the ambition to set the stage as the upcoming technologically advanced nation, Bangladesh as a nation is looking forward to hosting the 25th World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) in Bangladesh in 2021.
In fact, hosting this illustrious event fits very rightly in the overall Vision 2021 of “Digital Bangladesh” agenda. As per Vision 2021, Bangladesh with the Midas touch of ICT will graduate to a Middle Income Country by 2021 where the knowledge based population of the country will create wonders. Vision 2021 is a strategy that also has its clear reflection in the country operation plan, namely the “Seventh Five Year Plan”. For operational excellence, Bangladesh does an extensive planning every five years. Likewise, the reflection of “Digital Bangladesh” and it’s involvement for future development is apparent in the plan. Hence, the year 2021 is a year of celebration for Bangladesh and hosting the WCIT 2021 will be one of the central pillars to this celebration. This will be the immense and diversified goal which has been dreamt by our Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at all the times.

(Md. Hamidul Haque Khan (Murad), Treasurer, Daffodil International University).
