ICT to make disabled efficient workforce


Speakers at a programme on Monday stressed the need for extending supports to provide IT training facilities for persons with disabilities to make them efficient workforce.
ICT could be used as an effective tool to turn differently able people into self-reliant, which eventually will ensure their dignified life in society, they told the award giving ceremony of business idea competition for the visually impaired students at a city hotel.
The Institute of Hazrat Mohammad (SAW) organized the programme on the occasion of the holy Eid-e-Miladunnabi, which will be celebrated today. Indonesian Ambassador to Bangladesh Iwan Wiranta-atmadja, senior officials of different diplomatic missions, President of Bangladesh Association of Call Center and Outsourcing (BACCO) Ahmadul Hoque, Chairman of Centre for Zakat Management Niaz Rahim, Prof Dr Moammad A Momen of Institute of Business Administration (IBA) of Dhaka University, , among others, attended the programme with President of the Institute Lt. Gen. (Retd) M. Nooruddin Khan in the chair.
Tanim Laila, Director Economics Division of the Institute of Hazrat Mohammad (SAW), conducted the programme. Director Administration of the Institute of Hazrat Mohammad (SAW) Barrister Rizwana Yusuf, among others, was also present on the occasion.
Ahmadul Hoque said the people with differently able can earn handsome amount of money from the call centre and outsourcing, if they are given ICT trainings with English language skills.
Nooruddin Khan underscored the importance of education, empowerment and employment opportunities to help disabled persons lead dignified lives.
