ICT Senior Prosecutor Zead-AI-Malum dies


Advocate Zead-AI-Malum, who served as senior prosecutor of the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT), died at Combined Military Hospital (CMH)Saturday night.
His life support was removed at 12:35am (Sunday), ICT Senior Consultant Mehedi Masum confirmed.
On May 25, the 67-year-old Supreme Court lawyer was admitted to Bangladesh Specialized Hospital in the capital after suffering a stroke.
Later, Zead-AI-Malum, also a freedom fighter, was put on life support as his condition worsened.
Next, he was shifted to CMH in June. In March 2010, Zead-AI-Malumwas appointed prosecutor of the ICT, a domestic tribunal with the power to adjudicate international crimes .
He was instrumental in the trial of several war criminals, including BNP leader Salauddin Quader Chowdhury;Jamaat-e-Islami leaders Ghulam Azam, Matiur Rahman Nizami, andAli Ahsan Mohammad Mujahid.
Zead-al-Malum was born in 1954 in Tangail and completed his institutional education in 1978from the University of Dhaka.
