ICT in Secondary Education

Teachers should know how to blend technology with pedagogy


Gazi Md. Abdur Rashid :
ICT has been introduced in education with a belief that it can turn teaching-learning (pedagogical process) into an enjoyable event to the learners. Transformation from traditional teacher-centric classroom to learner-centric classroom can also be possible using ICTs innovatively at anytime from anywhere.
 In recent years, by dint of government effort, aligned with the current trend, Bangladesh also has considered ICT deeply for educational enhancement. ICT has got importance in policies and curriculum. The government, NGOs and development-partners are playing a significant role in introducing ICT in education. National ICT policy of Bangladesh, framed in 2009, perceived ICT as means of holistic development of the nation. The policy intended to bring necessary reforms in curriculum, pedagogy and teachers’ capacity building where ICT would be an effective tool. This includes provision of ICT literacy to the teachers and learners of primary, secondary, and tertiary levels.
ICT in education was further emphasised in National Education Policy, 2010. According to the policy, the government intends “to extend the use of information and communication technology (ICT) instrumental in education process at every level”. The policy reminded the curriculum and material developers to accommodate ICT in the teaching-learning process which has resulted in inclusion of ICT courses in the curriculum of different education levels and teacher training programmes. As a consequence of the above, with financial support from UNDP and USAID, the government initiated Access to Information (a2i) project with an ambition of making teaching-learning more effective and enjoyable to the learners and teachers using ICT.
This project followed a three-dimensional approach in its effort to enhance pedagogic improvement process: establishing Multi Media Classrooms (MMCs) at secondary schools, training of teachers on making ICT aided educational contents on hard-to-grasp topics, and making electronic versions of the textbooks. In order to establish MMCs in schools, the government has provided ICT devices such as laptops and internet connections from early 2010. As of 2018, nearly 98% of the secondary schools got multimedia facilities and about 95% got computer facilities. Computer teachers were available in 100% of all secondary schools.
The present government has set up computer labs in 3,172 schools, colleges and madrasas so far. Besides, 310 model schools, 70 post-graduate colleges, 20 government schools and 35 model madrassas have been set up in computer lab and necessary computer and other machineries were provided.
Up to 2018, 37,000 secondary teachers received training on preparing digital multimedia contents independently. Initiated ICT based teaching-learning activities in secondary schools, much before the government, through its Computer Aided Learning (CAL) programme in 2004, as a pilot project. At present, this programme is being operated in 50 schools. Initially, teachers were provided training in English, Mathematics and Science. CDs containing interactive animated materials on these subjects for different grades, computer and multimedia projector were provided to the project schools. The materials were prepared with an expectation that, these would generate learners’ interest and enhance their participation in teaching-learning activities, would increase attendance and decrease dropout and would improve the overall quality of education alongside attaining the desired learning outcomes.
The teachers of these 50 project schools also received government-provided training on digital content development. A study has revealed that the teachers and the learners mostly liked the materials for attractive animated presentation of the contents. The head teachers of the schools praised CAL materials mentioning that these materials were developed keeping the child psychology in mind. Teachers reported that these materials increased learners’ participation and reduced teachers’ work-load of lesson delivery.
However, an excellent experience is being shown on multimedia classrooms in the secondary level schools. Research showed that these materials could bring desired changes in classrooms. Mentionable change was observed between the general classroom and multimedia classroom. Prime task of the learners in the multimedia classrooms was watching, listening and actively participating in asking questions or contributing in collaborative learning tasks like group and pair work. It seemed that teachers are trying heart and soul in using these materials properly. They could smartly engage learners in activities as suggested in the materials and sometimes to operate those materials confidently. In group activities, very delightful communication occurred among the learners which ultimately make an positive impact on proper teaching-learning process.
Teachers’ confidence in using the multimedia contents, uninterrupted electricity and internet connectivity, rapid decision-making process at the government level, etc. are vastly influenced with respect to content of ICT management. It has been found that teachers’ perception played vital role in using ICT in classrooms. One of the outstanding concepts was that learners had very smart access to use the materials outside the classrooms that gently pushed them using these materials on their own which could engage them in using these materials effectively.
However, desired changes in the classrooms appear from last couple of years. Teachers’ strength in pedagogical skills was clearly noticed. At this moment, changes are not required in contents but in teacher development approaches who are making a classroom education friendly environment. Teachers should be provided with adequate training on how to blend technology with pedagogy. Monitoring is a regular practice of different govt. institutions. Another vital issue is that government initiative did keep enough room for the learners to use ICT independently and it is really important to make learners habituated with technology.

(Gazi Md. Abdur Rashid, Research Officer, District Education Office, Secondary and Higher Education, Munshiganj)
