ICT exports revenue hits $1.3m


Business Desk :
Bangladesh’s ICT exports earnings have reached $1.3 million, State Minister for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Division Zunaid Ahmed Palak has said.
Highlighting the achievements in the ICT sector in the last 12 years, he said 20 lakh technology-based jobs had been created in this sector.
“Bangladesh ranks second in online labour force. Over 6.5 lakh freelancers in the country are earning about $750 million annually through outsourcing. This has been possible as proper infrastructure has been developed in the ICT sector,” he told a press conference at the Bangladesh Computer Council auditorium in the capital’s Agargaon on Thursday.
The briefing was arranged to announce preparations for the Digital Bangladesh Day 2021. The day will be celebrated across the country on December 12 under the theme “Achievement of Digital Bangladesh, Benefitting All People”. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will chair a programme on that day at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre.
Palak said 170 million people in the country were getting the benefits of Digital Bangladesh.
“Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina announced the vision of Digital Bangladesh on December 12, 2008. At the time, it was the announcement made by a political leader. This became the vision of all people in the country after the Awami League had won the ninth parliamentary elections,” he said.
He also said there are about 13 crore internet users in the country at present.
