ICT edn to be made compulsory for pry students: PM


UNB, Dhaka :Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday asked the researchers and students to work hard maintaining accountability so that the research grants and fellowships they are receiving from taxpayers’ money could help achieve the desired goals.”The research grants and fellowships are provided from taxpayers’ money. So, the researchers and the students would have to work hard and maintain accountability so that this assistance could help us achieve our desired goals,” she said.The Prime Minister was addressing a function after handing over cheques of fellowships to some selected researchers and students of Bangabandhu Fellowship, National Science and Technology Fellowship and special grant on science and technology research projects held at the Osmani Memorial Auditorium in the city.Turing to the country’s current situation, she said there are some problems as the BNP-led 20-party alliance is continuing with their hartal and blockade programmes affecting the lives of the commoners and students, including some 15 lakh SSC examinees.She said, the people of Bangladesh have the courage and fortitude to overcome any barrier and obstacle. “I believe that the country’s peoplewould further prosper the nation through overcoming any kind of barrier. Bangladesh is moving ahead and no one can deter this march forward.”Hasina reminded the researchers and students that the country’s farmers, workers and day-labourers have been contributing immensely towards ensuring overall development and they should be recognised properly.She said, an amount of Tk 23,30,26,000 has been provided to some 3,434 students and researchers as fellowships during her previous term from fiscal 2009-10 to fiscal 2013-14 while Tk 7.50 crore allotted in the current fiscal year for providing fellowships.Alongside providing fellowships, the Prime Minister said, research grants are being provided to scientists and researchers to implement research projects aiming to motivate and provide assistance for conducting researches on science and technology.During her previous tenure, about Tk 49,30,30,000 has been provided against some 1,115 projects as research grants while Tk 12,40,50,000 allocated as research grants in the current fiscal year, Hasina said.Mentioning that the country has resource constraint, the Prime Minister said the nation would have to move ahead through proper, cost-effective and sustainable use of these resources where the scientists could make immense contributions through utilizing their innovative strength.Claiming that Bangladesh undoubtedly excels better in tackling climate change impacts, she stressed the need for innovating effective ways to tackle the challenges of adverse impacts of climate change.Hasina said, her government has framed a science-based time befitting Education Policy giving priority to building a science and technology-based society, enacted the ICT Act, 2009 and steps are underway to set up an ICT University in Kaliakoir, Gazipur alongside setting up a high-tech park there.She said, there has been significant progress in building digital divide-free Bangladesh, while building ‘Digital Bangladesh’ has almost been materialised well before its targeted year of 2021.The Prime Minister said life cannot move on without recognising the importance of science and this is the reality as it is needed in every sphere of life, including sports.She also said ICT education would be made compulsory for primary students gradually so that the children could move ahead through acquiring science and technology-based education.Hasina also cited Bangladesh’s bright prospects in earning foreign currency through exports of software to a larger volume and said the aim of her government is to build a modern science and technology-based nation.Referring to the ongoing work on setting up of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant with assistance from Russia, the Prime Minister said if it becomes successful, then another nuclear power plant would be set up in southern part of the country.Chaired by State Minister for Science and Technology architect Yeafesh Osman, the programme was also addressed by Parliamentary Standing Committee chairman on Science and Technology Ministry Dr AFM Ruhal Haque. Ministry Secretary Khondoker Md Asaduzaman delivered the welcome address.
