ICSB team meet IDRA chairman

Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh and Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority officials are seen posing for photo. From Left: Md. Sharif Hasan ACS, Md. Monirul Alam FCS, Md. Selim Reza FCS, Md. Shafiqur Rahman Patwary, Chairman, IDRA
Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh and Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority officials are seen posing for photo. From Left: Md. Sharif Hasan ACS, Md. Monirul Alam FCS, Md. Selim Reza FCS, Md. Shafiqur Rahman Patwary, Chairman, IDRA
Business Desk :
ICSB delegation led by its Vice President and the Chairman, CS Regulations Sub Committee, Md. Selim Reza FCS called on Md. Shafiqur Rahman Patwary, Chairman, Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority (IDRA) at Sadharan Bima Corporation Tower, Dilkusha, Motijheel recently, said a press release.
Md. Selim Reza FCS highlighted on various activities pursued by ICSB and requested the Chairman, IDRA to include a mandatory clause to appoint Chartered Secretary professionals as Company Secretary for all Insurance Companies.
He also suggested for keeping a provision for relaxation of benefit of 3 years out of 15 years relevant work experience for CS professionals for recruitment as a CEO.
The Chairman, IDRA and Dr. M Mosharraf Hossain, Member, IDRA assured that ICSB’s proposal would be taken into consideration.
Among others, Md. Monirul Alam FCS, Member CS Regulations Sub Committee, Kh. Nasir Uddin Mahmud ACS, Member CS Regulations Sub Committee, Md. Sharif Hasan ACS, Member CS Regulations Sub Committee, Kazi Shamsul Alam, Secretary, ICSB and Md. Shamibur Rahman ACS, Director (A and F) were present.