ICE Innovation Lab inaugurated at IU


An ICE Innovation Laboratory was inaugurated at the department of Information and Communication Engineering (ICE) of the Islamic University (IU) in Kushtia on Wednesday.
Marking the inauguration, ICE department organized a colorful programme at the university central auditorium at 11am with the assistances of its former students.
IU Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr M Harun-Ur-Rashid Askari inaugurated the laboratory as the chief guest.
Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof Dr M Shahinoor Rahman, Treasurer Prof Dr M Selim Toha, dean of Applied Science and Technology Faculty Prof. Dr M Samsul Alam and ICE dept senior Prof. Dr M Mahbubur Rahman, among others, spoke as special guests.
Chairman of the department M. Shariful Islam presided over the programme. Shamsia Akter Joyti, a student of the department, conducted the function while laboratory coordinator Prof. Dr M Jahidul Islam and assistant coordinator M Jasim Uddin were present.
The laboratory will provide opportunities for the teachers and students to conduct research on their new ideas.
