icddr,b shares Rohingya healthcare response with partners

BSS, Dhaka :
The International Centre for Diarrhoeal
Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b) shared its emergency healthcare response and pre-emptive oral cholera vaccination measures among the forcibly displaced Rohingyas.
The icddr,b disclosed this through holding a dissemination seminar at Long Beach Hotel in Cox’s Bazar recently, said an icddr,b press release here. The icddr,b was very quick to respond immediately during the Rohingya exodus that began in late August, 2017.
The icddr,b and UNICEF jointly conducted a field assessment in Cox’s Bazar in September, 2017 and identified the potential risks of diarrhoeal disease outbreak and related mitigation initiatives required. Accordingly, icddr,b partnered with UNICEF to strengthen healthcare services for diarrhoeal disease and malnutrition in the Rohingya community. UNICEF supported the study to evaluate the effectiveness of oral cholera vaccine administered among the forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals. The resulting work, which prevented a cholera outbreak, has been described as ‘The most successful pre-emptive campaign’. Dr Tahmeed Ahmed, senior director of Nutrition and Clinical Services (NCSD) at icddr,b briefed about the icddr,b-UNICEF partnership to strengthen acute watery diarrhoea treatment and preparedness initiatives, which include training of doctors, nurses, para-medics and community health workers of the Government and NGOs working in the area.
The initiatives also include management of diarrhoeal disease and associated malnutrition through five diarrhoeal treatment centres (DTC) in Leda, Shyamlapur, Balukhali, Teknaf and Ukhia of Cox’s Bazar and DTC-based diarrheal diseases surveillance.
In the seminar, Dr Azharul Islam Khan, head of hospitals at icddr,b highlighted the implementation process and experiences in community engagement and the vital role connecting with all elements of the community plays in successful dissemination and implementation. Dr ASG Faruque, senior scientist of NCSD at icddr,b presented on the DTC-based diarrhoeal disease surveillance activities which included the recognition that Cox Bazar was a cholera hotspot and sanitation facilities in the camp created an environment ripe for cholera outbreaks. He reported that a total of 820 healthcare professionals have been trained by icddr,b on management of diarrhoeal disease and the diarrhoeal treatment centres have provided care to 6,156 patients comprised Rohingya and host communities.